Meet Darryl, the friendly donkey. Well, he is friendly but he's sometimes stubborn and won't move unless you know a little trick. Can you get Darryl to change his direction by moving only 1 plank?
Build Your Own Darryl
Grab 5 of your Brain Blox wooden planks (or anything with a similar shape) and lay them out on a table so they look like the photo above.
There you go! You have your very own Darryl the donkey!
Now see if you can change Darryl's direction by moving only 1 plank. That's right, all the other planks need to stay exactly where they are. No cheating! :)
Want a Hint?
Don't read any further unless you want some help solving this puzzle!
Hint #1: Darryl is a truly amazing donkey, and he can walk in any direction (not just right or left). He can even walk up or down!
Hint #2: By moving only 1 plank, you can get Darryl to walk up!
Hint #3: The trick is to move Darryl's back leg. That's the plank on the bottom left.
Ready for the solution? Here you go!
Share Your Ideas!
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Or is there something you want to tell Darryl the donkey?
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