Sometimes less is more. And that's especially true when it comes to this Brain Blox brain puzzle!
So see if you can magically turn these 5 squares into only 4 squares by moving only 2 planks!
Grab Some Brain Blox
Grab some Brain Blox wooden planks (or anything with a similar shape) and lay them out on a table so they look like the 5 squares in the above photo.
Now the fun begins. Give your brain a workout by seeing if you can make 4 squares instead of 5 by moving only 2 planks!
Be patient. Rome wasn't built in a day, and this puzzle might not be solved in a day either! Go slowly and try moving 1 plank at a time to see what you come up with.
Want a Hint?
Don't read any further unless you want some help solving this puzzle!
Hint #1: When solved, each of the 4 squares will be the same size. There will not be any squares that are larger or smaller than the others.
Hint #2: Count the number of planks used in this puzzle. 16 correct? Well, if you want to make 4 equal squares out of 16 planks, how many planks should be used to create each square? Will any squares share the same side?
Hint #3: When choosing which 2 planks to move, take 1 plank from the bottom row and 1 plank from the top row.
Ready for the solution? Here you go!
Share Your Ideas!
Did you find a different solution? Or do you have a brain puzzle you'd like to share?
If so, leave a comment below! The rest of "Brain Blox Nation" would love to hear what you have to say!