Can you transform this odd design into something more...squarish? (Yes, "squarish" is a word! Google it!)
Try turning it into 2 squares by moving only 3 planks.
Make the Puzzle with Brain Blox
Grab 10 Brain Blox planks (or anything with a similar shape) and lay them out on a table so they look like the the puzzle photo above.
Next challenge your brain by finding a way to turn this odd design into a squarish masterpiece! (Move 3 planks to make 2 squares)
Want a Hint?
Don't read any further unless you want some help solving this puzzle!
Hint #1: The 2 squares will not be the same size.
Hint #2: There will be 1 smaller square inside a larger square.
Hint #3: Move the 3 planks on the bottom left.
Ready for the solution? Here you go!
A Bonus Challenge!
Now that we've made 2 squares by moving 3 planks, let's step it up a bit!
Can you find a way to make 3 squares by moving 4 planks?